Thursday, January 27, 2005

It's not funny!

Okay, I hate to laugh, but his face plant on the patio was pretty funny - I have to admit. Here's the deal: He was barking at the back door because there was a cat out in the yard. (This used to be the daily case, but after HE joined our household...the cats started staying away. I guess this one was feeling brave.) So, against my better judgment, I opened the door - but not before knocking on it kinda loudly to give the cat a head start. (I could only picture it running to the fence, leaping over it, and leaving my darling dog with a flattened face - kinda like something that might happen to Wylie E. Coyote.) Okay, so the cat is out of sight by the time the door opens, but that doesn't stop a certain somebody from flying out. And I mean flying! The little guy missed all four stairs and landed face-first, absolutely flat on the bricks below. I mean, his legs were splayed out in all sorts of directions. And what I love most was this: he forgot the cat completely and came running to his mommy! Dang, I can't wait to have a kid...

P.S. He even scraped his knee


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