Saturday, October 16, 2004

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha! Tee hee. Ha ha ha. Woo hoo hoo! (Snort) Hoo hoo. Ha ha ha!

That's my gut reaction to the vet's recommendation of "two weeks total rest." No running, no jumping, no stairs. Short walks on leash ONLY if he's not pulling. (Yeah, right.)

But if that's what it takes to heal him, that's what it takes. If the limp goes away, maybe we won't have to take x-rays. If the limp goes away, we can go to the beach again.

He seems to understand something is wrong. He's accepted his confinement like a champ. But then again, it's only been 26 hours. (What? Only 26 hours?) And so far, it's been harder on me than on him.

Snicker. Giggle. Wish us luck.


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