Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A time to breed

Yep, I'm officially a breeder. Nope, not THAT kind of breeder. Two dogs around here is enough. In fact, it's probably going to be more than enough once our baby is born. Yep, a human breeder is what I've become. Eeeeeek! Problem is, these two crazies have come to believe that they are the center of the universe. I think I know a couple of sweet, furry souls who will be sorely disappointed in the coming months as 1) they lose access to one entire room of the house, 2) they lose access to our bed, 3) they lose access to my ever-decreasing lap, 4) they lose access to our boundless affection, and 5) they realize somebody ELSE likes to play with sqeaky toys (but won't be sharing them). Wish us luck...

P.S. I've heard a rumor that sounds a fetus hears in utero become commonplace even before birth, and possibly even calming after birth. If this is true, then all the barking will finally have a purpose! Something tells me it's wishful thinking, though.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It takes 2 to tango...

I admit it. Having two dogs means more time playing, less time blogging. (Though it's not like I blogged a whole heck of a lot in the one-dog or pre-dog days, either.) But having two dogs also makes for a collection of photos too cute not to share. So here I sit, typing away to the sound of dog #1 snapping at dog #2 who is barking at dog #1 who just wants to rest while dog #2 wants to play. When I look at them, I catch them looking at me - just to make sure I'm looking at them. And now it's your turn. Just look at them!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's been a windy week!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

2 is the magic number

By the way, I must say that having two dogs is a ton of fun, and (at least with this breed) even easier than having one. Both dogs love and demand our attention, but they're more or less satisfied when they can only get it from one another. And I have my fingers crossed that when we leave them at Doggiecamp over Christmas, they'll barely notice they've been abandonded!

One of those things...

We got the new puppy in early October and on the way home he PROMISED me that he'd be the robust one. He wouldn't die a premature death like our first one. He wouldn't come down with a rare disease like his brother has. He was destined to be our first experience with a 100% healthy dog. So it's a bit of a bummer that he's already landed himself at the doctor's office. Nothing major...just puppy mange. But let's just say that our dogs are the poster dogs for pet health insurance. I bought policies for all of our dogs, and made the money back on each one within mere months.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

One of these things...

...will be moving in with us in five weeks!!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Catching up

...since last October, that cute fuzzball:

1) was diagonosed with Addison's Disease and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth in February of 2006, and

2) has to take multiple medicines every day since he,

3) owns virtually every inch of my heart, and

4) is about to be a big brother. A brand new fuzzball was born just yesterday, up in Oregon, and we're planning a family road trip to pick him up in early October. Yippee!

I'm pretty excited about the new puppy, but I can't say I'm looking forward to the extra work. I feel like we just finished the hard part, now that our baby turned 1 last month. However, since both my husband and I work at home - too much is expected of us on a regular basis. We just can't spend 24 hours a day throwing slimy dog toys (as much as we might like to.) And since not throwing them turns the guy into a whining, trembling mess, I hope to the doggy gods that getting him a brother will serve as a distraction. Yes, it just might backfire and we'll have two whining, trembling messes to deal with. But...well...I know we'll love every minute.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Is it Stockholm Syndrome?

Is the reason this little dog seems so devoted to me simply because he perceives me as a captor and intense loyalty is his mind's trick for coping with that?