Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's been a windy week!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

2 is the magic number

By the way, I must say that having two dogs is a ton of fun, and (at least with this breed) even easier than having one. Both dogs love and demand our attention, but they're more or less satisfied when they can only get it from one another. And I have my fingers crossed that when we leave them at Doggiecamp over Christmas, they'll barely notice they've been abandonded!

One of those things...

We got the new puppy in early October and on the way home he PROMISED me that he'd be the robust one. He wouldn't die a premature death like our first one. He wouldn't come down with a rare disease like his brother has. He was destined to be our first experience with a 100% healthy dog. So it's a bit of a bummer that he's already landed himself at the doctor's office. Nothing major...just puppy mange. But let's just say that our dogs are the poster dogs for pet health insurance. I bought policies for all of our dogs, and made the money back on each one within mere months.